Implementing Your Unique Data Management (UDM) Strategy with Custom Fields

$100.00 / per hour

Asterisk Intelligence will work with you to expand your tracking and reporting capabilities by utilizing the Unique Data Management (UDM) toolkit in CU*BASE.

We will work with the credit union management team to identify member and account data that are not currently being stored in CU*BASE. In addition to creating member-level and account-level custom fields, we will train your staff on using the Self-Directed Data Flood toolkit to mass update these custom fields with data that are tracked manually or provided by a 3rd party.

You will also receive assistance with merging these custom data fields with your new or existing custom reports using CU*BASE Report Builder.


Two 2-Hour Sessions Online or On-Site, 1-Hour Follow-Up Session Online

Consulting or Custom Training


Designed For

Data Analysts and Management

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