Understanding Your Credit Union with Analytics Booth

$100.00 / per hour

Analytics boothAnalytics Booth is a powerful tool developed by Asterisk Intelligence to simplify your reporting and visualize your historical data. Get started with Analytics Booth (additional costs apply) by learning about some of the basic administrator functions and get access to your credit union history at your fingertips. This course will focus on analyzing and visualizing trends in delinquencies, account balances, membership growth, and more! The Analytics Booth Dashboards provide easy access to your lending and deposit portfolios, as well as your historical income and expenses. Once you’ve learned the basics, you can even have intelligent alerts sent directly to your inbox to keep you apprised of your credit union performance. Stay tuned as we continue to grow Analytics Booth with one thing in mind: the success of our credit unions.


60 minutes

Consulting or Custom Training

Custom Training

Designed For

Any data-curious employee at the credit union!

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