Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) Summary Reports


With the migration of remote deposit capture enrollments to CU*BASE, and the storage of these data in your FILExx library, developing insightful reports is vital to tracking your enrollments over time. To make the transition easier for you and your team, Asterisk Intelligence has developed multiple queries that are ready-made for automation. These reports will create a database file in QUERYxx, as well as a printable report stored in your HOLDxx output queue.

With the migration of remote deposit capture enrollments to CU*BASE, and the storage of these data in your FILExx library, developing insightful reports is vital to tracking your enrollments over time. To make the transition easier for you and your team, Asterisk Intelligence has developed multiple queries that are ready-made for automation. These reports will create a database file in QUERYxx, as well as a printable report stored in your HOLDxx output queue.

The query RDCTOTALS generate a month-by-month summary of total enrollments, as well as denied enrollments and total RDC transactions.

The query RDCDETAIL produces a detailed, member-level summary of enrollment information and RDC usage history. This allows your management team to obtain a better understanding of exactly who is using this service and what they are using it for.

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Report Frequency

Weekly (Monday at Beginning of Day), Monthly (1st of the Month)