ZuntaFI Student Loan Servicing Data Exchange

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If you have elected to use ZuntaFI to service your student loans, then this product may be right for you! With this product, we will configure a data exchange with ZuntaFI to receive student loan data and post it to CU*BASE/CBX on a recurring schedule. This helps you enjoy the convenience of data moving automatically VS manually.


If you have contracted with ZuntaFI to provide Off Trial Balance (OTB) student loans to your members and they are servicing those loans for you, then you will need a way to get the data from them about those loans back into CU*BASE/CBX. With this process we will receive the data file from them and post it for you via an automated process on a recurring schedule. This makes it easy for you to focus on your members rather than on operations back-office type tasks.

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