Kelley Blue Book Vehicle Valuation

$35.00 / monthly

$0.15 per valuation

Credit unions have the ability to activate a seamless Kelley Blue Book integrated valuation tool to populate the automobile’s current value directly into the collateral record. Loan officers needing to verify the value of vehicles during the loan process is necessary and, in the past, required the loan officer to navigate away from CU*BASE. This is no longer the case with our latest streamlining effort.

Note: This service is for used vehicles only.


New integration between CU*BASE and the Kelley Blue Book to populate the automobile’s current value directly into the collateral record. While adding collateral on the Collateral Identification screen enter the vehicle identification number (VIN) and mileage and use the Get Value button to update the collateral record with the vehicle’s current value. (This browser window allows you to identify additional features about the vehicle such as leather seats and mileage to ensure the value used is valid).

Look before you leap!  Remember that while we have completed an interface with this vendor, that interface may not necessarily include all the functionality that vendor offers, or it may not support the specific product you are considering from that vendor. If what we built doesn’t meet your needs and you want us to build something different with this vendor, visit the DHD store to start a new custom project request.

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