Domain Name New Registration

$50.00 / yearly

For sites hosted with CU*Answers Web Services, we like to be your DNS servers, so we include this service with your registration fee. There are a couple of reasons we want to be your DNS servers, but primarily,  controlling your DNS settings facilitates site launches and redesign set ups. Likewise, should we need to move your website to another server for any reason, we can do that without any involvement from your IT team. Finally, this also helps out if the CU*Answers Network Services team manages your network, since we can coordinate information with them.



Using CU*Answers Web Services shared hosting we can alias multiple domain names to a single website. This permits you to register multiple domain names to protect your brand online. At a minimum, we recommend you register the .com, .net and .org for your primary domain name. In addition, you may want to register similar domain names to help secure your brand. This also helps protect you from possible phishing attempts.

Once you have your domain names registered, or CU*Answers Web Services has registered them for you, you have to enable DNS servers. These DNS servers tell web browsers where your web site is hosted. Sort of like asking the gas station for directions.

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