Quote Provided
Cybersecurity is top of mind for all financial institutions and AdvantageCIO would like to help your board with Cybersecurity Literacy Training. We have our fingers on the pulse of the strategic, board level concepts and emerging trends that your board will want to understand. We present and discuss in non-technical terms and can help bridge the areas of credit union business and technology and cybersecurity. We encourage CUs to use this training on an annual basis to stay up to speed on this quickly evolving landscape.
The engagement:
A senior AdvantageCIO consultant will walk through a 30 minute presentation of the “top 3” concepts and areas of focus for CU boards. We will take a questions at the conclusion and provide the presentation content to the credit union.
One time engagement: $500
Remote engagements will be performed remotely over a ZOOM session. In person engagements will be subject to schedule availability and client will cover travel expenses.