Know Your Phone Support with Phone Optics

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The AI Team will analyze phone support engagements with your credit union based on Phone Optics data to show missed marketing opportunities, room for employee training and improvement, and so much more. Develop a deeper understanding of who is calling your credit union, what products they have, and why they call with this fixed-period analysis.


Designed as a fixed-period analysis, Asterisk Intelligence will study your collection of Phone Optics data to provide statistics, observations, and recommendations for action based on your unique set of data.

Examples of practical applications for this analysis could be to create a more detailed and targeted marketing program (ever wonder who’s calling and asking for a payoff before they actually pay off the loan?), or audit and improve staff performance and member interactions (where are staff missing sales opportunities in their phone interactions?).

Interested in this Analysis?

Don’t wait to ensure both prerequisites to this analysis are taken care of – You need the Data Warehouse and Phone Optics Data Collection to begin building the history of interaction data that this analysis will use. Order now, or contact Asterisk Intelligence to confirm your status on either item.


Prerequisites for this analysis include the Phone Optics Data Collection program, and a Data Warehouse. Both are available to order today. Contact the Asterisk Intelligence Team at with any questions.

Success Credit Union Phone Optics Report

Phone Optics – Tracking Action Items

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