Mobile Application Usage Analysis


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Mobile application usage and penetration has been rapidly growing within the financial services industry. Do you know how many members use your application? How many times a month they log on? Age and demographic information? Or perhaps their relationship with the credit union? Analyzing these members will provide insight into who uses your mobile app, their engagement with the credit union, and marketing opportunities.


During a Mobile Application Usage Analysis, Asterisk Intelligence will review 30 days of your members mobile application log files. Unique members will be identified, number of logins, as well as day of week and time of day use studies. Additionally, each member’s relationship with the credit union will be analyzed, membership tenure, member age, products and services per member, electronic services enrollment, product penetration and more.

What You will Receive

Once your analysis is complete, you will receive a personalized data briefing discussing our analytical findings, as well as a project summary report for your future reference. Members using your mobile application within the target period will be analyzed, providing insight into demographics, product and service utilization, as well as usage statistics. After your analysis summary is delivered, you may select up to 5 member segments in which you would like to target. CU*BASE files will be created for you for easy integration into your marketing strategy. Ask us about our partnership with Xtend who can assist with campaign execution.

Data Briefings can be a one-time engagement, or a scheduled recurring briefing at the frequency of your choosing.

How to Use this Analysis

This analysis is intended to clearly define members who use your mobile application, reviewing their level of engagement and demographic profile. This insight should be used and leveraged to increase service enrollment by understanding how the product is being used. Additionally, the value proposition of the mobile application can be used in marketing campaigns towards members who are not utilizing the full value of the application.

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