Skip Pay Analysis


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Skip Pay programs have proven to be very popular with members and credit unions alike, offering win-win scenarios for each. Members receive immediate cash flow relief for holidays or various other financially demanding periods and credit unions see increased revenue and prolonged interest annuities streams. Effectively managing and marketing this strategy requires an understanding of who the customers are, loan types involved, and the advantages or risks with each strategy.


During a Skip Pay Analysis, Asterisk Intelligence will analyze one year of Skip Pay enrollment. Members participating will be reviewed and analyzed providing insight into trends in demographic, product and service penetration, and participating loan categories or product types. Understanding how your Skip Pay program is being used will allow you to build effective marketing campaigns targeting the members most likely to participate. Analyzing a full year of activity provides insight into seasonal trends allowing you to evaluate policies and procedures maximizing profitability.

What You Will Receive

Once your analysis is complete, you will receive a personalized data briefing discussing our analytical findings, as well as a project summary report for your future reference. Members who historically participated with your skip pay program will be analyzed and trended allowing you to maximize the effectiveness of your program. After the delivery of your analysis summary you may select up to 5 member segments you wish to target. CU*BASE files will be created for you for easy integration into your marketing strategies. Ask us about our partnership with Xtend who can assist with campaign execution.

Data Briefings can be a one-time engagement, or a scheduled recurring briefing at the frequency of your choosing.

How to Use this Analysis

This analysis is intended to completely detail your skip pay program, quantifying fee revenue, loan category participation, member demographics as well as seasonality. This analysis should be used to evaluate the success or short comings of your current strategy, providing the insight required to make the best operational adjustments. This information could also be leveraged in your program marketing campaigns, targeting the members most likely to participate.

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