Statement Configuration Change Request


Looking to make changes to your current Statement Format? Input a request to work with our Client Services and Education team to configure controls for how your credit union’s monthly and/or quarterly member statement files produce statements based on the configurations. The configured settings control how the statement file is created, regardless of who actually prints your statements.


Online credit unions are not able to access the configuration screen except in a view-only mode. If you would like any of these settings to be changed for your credit union, contact a CU*BASE Client Service Representative. Self-processing credit unions should also consult a Client Service Representative for advice before making changes to these settings. Remember that some features used in a service bureau environment are not appropriate in the in-house environment. Also, some changes may require that you communicate with your statement print vendor (whether or not you use Sage Direct to print your statements).

Next Steps

Once a request has been submitted, a Client Service and Education team member will follow up with you to discuss the process further.

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