The Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) Store

  • Utilizing the online Store

    Utilizing the Online Store

    From off the shelf to your custom designs, we have what you need.


Developer's Help DeskWelcome to the Developer’s Help Desk Store!

The Developer’s Help Desk Online Store is intended to provide an online retail shopping experience for ordering a variety of Off-the Shelf tools for which CU*Answers has previously developed, or getting started with a (Custom Programming Project) request. By grouping these project types into various categories/departments, we are able to offer a simpler, more streamlined approach for clients to be able to quickly review and determine a solution. For many of these services, we have included a published price as based upon our technical experience for having previously developed this solution. Whether ordering a “canned” project such as converting from one supported EFT switch or online Credit Card vendor to another, or going down a whole new road working with a new 3rd party vendor to build a (Custom Project) solution, the DHD online store is a perfect place to start! Need more details?

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DHD Project Kickoff

Within the DHD online store, we offer products to get your credit union started with your custom project.  These types of projects could include an initial project discussion to bounce your ideas off experts, or maybe you have your idea but need assistance writing a project specification.  DHD is here to assist with all ideas, thoughts, and insight we can provide to make your custom project a success.

Recent Successes

New Tools

Our DHD featured products are off the shelf ready to deploy or activate for your credit union, these products typlically represent a newer project that has been completed for a peer.  These type of solutions are easily modified for other CU*BASE clients to benefit, and in most cases offered at a low price point.  Be sure to check back periodically within our featured products as they will update as new tool sets are developed.

“The level of functionality for the price is unbeatable, especially for CUs that have modest commercial portfolios.  CU*BASE integrations with Suntell allow the Suntell product’s dashboard to reflect current information such as past-due loans automatically.”

~ Jay Stevens, Building Trades CU

“The Sagework (Abrigo) integration to CU*BASE has significantly improved our efficiency to input and process these loans. The DHD team worked with me step-by-step to get everything set up with Sageworks.”

~ Hollie Britton, Frankenmuth CU

API Processes

A major focus since 2019 is to build the foundation of APIs both within CU*Answers applications, and in partnership with external vendor/partner applications.  API Development for CU*Answers is an important step in revolutionizing our ability to be flexible in providing data in a secure but streamlined manner. Once an API is developed, it can be used by other third-party applications, GOLD, It’s Me 247, Mobile Web, the Loan App, or anything that we allow data access from now, or in the future.

Other Custom Opportunities

These opportunities through DHD include ordering a canned project such as converting from one EFT switch to another, or ordering and initiating new custom solutions or integrations, or even purchasing professional services or tools to build their own solutions outside of CU*Answers offerings.  These opportunities include vendors that are supported, or work directly with CU*Answers, this could range from bill pay vendors, credit card processors, or statement vendors.