Data Archival Options

CU*Answers provides a two-stage data access/retrieval strategy:

  • Short-term data retrieval is available with CU*Spy, our online data repository
  • Offline long-term data archiving is maintained by CU*Archives, which provides physical media storage on archive-quality CD/DVDs for daily/monthly reports, member statements, credit card statements, mortgage statements, e-loans, e-receipts, e-member forms/e-photo IDs, and e-AP invoices, at the credit union’s request. Archive media can be provided for your own onsite retention, with the option to store additional copies in the CU*Archives vault.

If you have any questions, please contact Scott Shippy, CU*Answers Imaging Solutions Operator, at 800-327-3478, ext 539.

  • Total

CD/DVD Media$10/disc
Report Archiving (plus media)
Number of Members
1 - 5,000
5,001 - 7,500
7,501 - 10,000
10,001 - 15,000
Monthly Fee*
Statement Archiving (member, CC, and mortgage)
Number of Members
1 - 5,000
5,001 - 7,500
7,501 - 10,000
10,001 - 15,000
Quarterly Fee*
Receipt Archiving (plus media)$50/quarter
Loan Forms Archiving (plus media)$50/quarter
Member Forms/Photo ID's Archiving (plus media)$50/quarter
AP Invoices Archiving (plus media)$50/year
Storage of Archive Media in CU*Answers Vault$30/annually
Recreation of Archive Media (research fee)$100 (plus media)/request
Statement Copy Request$50 research fee plus
$1.00/page ($10 min)/request

*Fee may vary out of CU*Answers network

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