Imaging Solutions

  • Imaging Solutions MemberPass

    Authenticate Your Member with MemberPass.

    MemberPass is a great way to verify members that have cell phones during your member support calls.


Imaging SolutionsThis team has created imaging solutions that are an inherent part of your core data processing system. They’ve accomplished this by having their eDocument strategist and programmers work directly with the VP of Software Development for both CU*BASE and the It’s Me 247 online and mobile banking suite. Together they have created two solutions that fit hand in glove with your core processing tools to make your imaging solution an integral part of your day-to-day operations. Beyond the software tools, this team will follow through with the same exceptional release documentation, training and implementation processes you’ve come to expect from CU*Answers, to prepare and equip you to leverage the release. They ensure you don’t fall behind and that the features will work for you. Obviously, this can’t all happen without your participation. There are requirements for your participation in making your imaging solution top notch and all you wish it to be.