Recommended for Conversion

Successful Conversions

The Conversion Team is here to guide your credit union team through a successful conversion.  Below are some product recommendations that the Conversion Team encourages all Credit Unions on the CU*BASE platform to consider.

There is a lot here to take in.  Your Conversion Coordinator will help guide the way.

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CU*Answers Lender*VP
Internet Retailer Support Center
CU*Answers Imaging Solutions

Imaging Solutions delivers solutions for your eDocument and imaging needs ranging from eSign, check Images from CU*BASE inquiry, eStatement accent colors, enhanced imaging solutions, data archival options, and more.  These option fit hand in glove at conversion and beyond with your core processing tools to make your imaging solution an integral part of your day-to-day operations.

CU*Answers Web Services

Looking to upgrade your existing website or have one built?  Our Web Services team looks forward to working with your team as you gear up for your conversion to make your website the best it can be with our mobile responsive sites that work on any device. We also offer online banking widgets to direct your members to their new online banking experience.

Asterisk Intelligence

Has your team always been interested in data analytics and warehousing?  Conversions is the perfect time to start analyzing your data so you can make the most of your membership information and expand your membership relationships.  Let our Asterisk Intelligence team help your credit union accomplish your strategic goals using your data today!


Tired of stuffing notices in envelops when you could be helping members?  Vendor printed notices is just once of the services our OpsEngine brand can assist your with at conversion.  Explore the links below for their services.

Business Continuity

Does your credit union have a disaster recovery plan?  Does your team need business continuity awareness training?  Our Business Continuity team can help your team develop and test your plan along with reviewing your incident response procedures.  You don’t even have to wait until the conversion and can start using these options today!